Intersur Recoleta obtains the Safe Travels certification
Intersur Recoleta has obtained the Safe Travels seal granted by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), which recognizes companies that have implemented standardized global health and hygiene protocols, adopting the best practices so they can experience safe travel.
The Safe Travels protocols have been developed by WTTC members based on the best available medical evidence, following World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines on Covid-19. Safe Travels is endorsed by the United Nations World Tourism Organization and is the world's first global health and safety label aimed at reviving tourism after the pause caused by the pandemic.
In response to the health crisis, Intersur Recoleta developed a plan of measures to preserve the safety of travelers and employees, which includes all aspects that allow the reopening of the facilities with maximum security guarantees.
To obtain the Safe Traves seal, Intersur Recoleta had to complete the process determined by the National Institute of Tourism Promotion (Inprotur), endorsed by the WTTC, which included a double validation by the Federal Council of Tourism (CFT) and the Argentine Chamber of Tourism (CAT).
From Intersur Recoleta, we will continue working to ensure the protection of passengers who choose us as a destination, bringing information and tranquility to each client and permanently training our staff, to collaborate in the revival of the tourism sector in a safe, responsible and sustainable way.